

Peter J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖 Awarded 

安德鲁·米. 魏尔曼的获奖作品是《og体育平台》

The 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society (MHS) has awarded the 2023 Peter J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖 to 安德鲁·米. 他的著作《og体育平台》, published in 2022 by Johns Hopkins University Press. 戈麦斯奖颁发给前一年出版的og体育平台马萨诸塞州历史的最佳非虚构作品. Wehrman will receive the award at an event in 2024. 阅读更多.

MHS Announces Doris Kearns Goodwin as Featured Speaker for 2024 Making History Gala

著名总统历史学家和普利策奖得主将在6月6日的重要活动上发表文章, 2024

马萨诸塞州历史学会激动地宣布,多丽丝·卡恩斯·古德温将担任2024年“创造历史”晚会的特邀演讲者. The highly anticipated event will occur on Thursday, 6月6日, 2024, at the Fairmont Copley Plaza in Boston. The evening will commence with a cocktail reception at 5:30 pm, followed by the dinner program at 6:30 pm. Individual and corporate sponsorships are now available for purchase. For more information on the gala, to sponsor the event, please visit 阅读更多.


The 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society (MHS) is pleased to announce the 加勒比地区的美国人 & Politics: Celebrating 50 Years of the Caribbean American Carnival in Boston event on Thursday, August 24, 2023, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. The public program will be held in a hybrid format, allowing attendees to participate either in person or virtually via Zoom. 如欲参加,请于

The event will feature a panel discussion with distinguished guests, including Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll, 市议员布莱恩·沃雷尔说, Former Senator Linda Dorcena Forry, Former Representative Byron Rushing, 并将由博士主持. 罗伯特•贝林格. 这个受人尊敬的小组将深入研究波士顿加勒比美洲嘉年华协会(CACAB)的历史及其对城市文化景观和当地经济的重大影响. 阅读更多

Peter J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖 Awarded to Abram Van Engen

艾布拉姆·范·恩根被认可为 City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism

The 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society (MHS) has awarded the 2021 Peter J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖 to Abram Van Engen for his book City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism, published in 2020 by Yale University Press. 彼得·J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖颁发给前一年出版的og体育平台马萨诸塞州历史的最佳非虚构作品.  阅读更多.

麻萨诸塞州 Forms Commission to Promote the Commemoration of the American Revolution


An appropriations bill (H 4000), signed by Gov. 查理·贝克,2021年7月16日, 成立了马萨诸塞州独立战争250周年委员会. The 麻萨诸塞州 commission’s 35 members— leaders in the historical, 文化, 旅游, 以及政治部门——将与其他州和联邦美国250周年纪念委员会合作, 庆祝, 并调查250年前那些冒着“生命”危险的人们的意志和决心, 自由, and property” for the cause of American Independence. 这一探索旨在囊括过去250年来英联邦人民的尽可能多的观点. The Commission will engage with the Commonwealth and its 人 in an inspection of the causes that drove the 人 of 18th-century 麻萨诸塞州 to revolution; the ideals they upheld in the formation of new governments; and the resulting outcomes of their actions over the last 250 years. 阅读更多.

贝尔蒙特,质量. Educator Named National History Day Teacher of the Year

Ms. Suzanne Zmijewski Lim of Chenery Middle School in Belmont Receives National Award

The 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society is pleased to announce that Ms. Suzanne Zmijewski Lim, an eighth grade teacher at Winthrop L. Chenery Middle School in 贝尔蒙特,质量achusetts, 获得2021年全国历史日竞赛初中组(6-8年级)Patricia Behring年度教师奖. 该奖项由Patricia Behring赞助,旨在表彰教师在学生生活中发挥的关键作用. As the winner of this award, Mrs. Lim将获得1万美元. 阅读更多

2021-2022 研究 Fellows Announced

Each year the MHS grants a number of 研究奖学金 to scholars from around the country.  该奖学金项目带来了各种各样的研究人员,研究各种各样的主题. 阅读更多.

Peter J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖 Awarded to Kerri K. Greenidge

The 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society (MHS) has awarded the 2020 Peter J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖 to Kerri K. 因为她的书 Black Radical: The Life and Times of William Monroe Trotter, published in 2019 by Liveright. 彼得·J. 戈麦斯纪念图书奖颁发给前一年出版的og体育平台马萨诸塞州历史的最佳非虚构作品. Greenidge will receive the award at an online event on Tuesday, February 9, 2021. 阅读更多.

站起来,迈步向前, & 畅所欲言:与约翰·迪恩和威廉·维尔德一起采取原则立场的政治勇气,2020年9月9日

Presented by the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society, 这个虚拟对话将讨论那些反对政治腐败和白领犯罪的人.

Watergate was a sea change in American politics. But even as a presidential scandal gripped the nation, 共和党人和民主党人为了国家的利益找到了合作的方式,展现了非凡的政治勇气. 周三, 9月9日, 2020, 下午五点半, 马萨诸塞州历史学会(MHS)将主持约翰·迪恩和威廉·维尔德之间的对话, for whom Watergate was a transformational moment. 阅读更多.

Monuments: Snapshots of an Ever-Changing Story

Americans have begun to reexamine the monuments that make up our civic landscape. While these discussions are not new, 最近针对这个国家长期存在的种族不公正的抗议活动给了他们新的紧迫性和范围. 最终, og体育平台当地纪念碑命运的每一个决定都将由该社区的人民决定, and we believe that the current dialogue is both valuable and timely. 事实上, as the nation’s first historical society, we applaud the increased interest in and conversations about historical artifacts, 人, 事件, 和纪念碑. 阅读更多.


市长马蒂·沃尔什, 当被问及是否会考虑要求波士顿的学校教授黑人历史时(“问市长吧,波士顿公共广播电台, 6/26/2020), made it clear that while educators make curriculum decisions, 他认为马萨诸塞州的学生需要“全面了解”美国历史, 其中必须包括“黑人社区的贡献”和“他们所面临的偏见”.“不幸的是, 沃尔什市长承认, 老师们一天只有那么多时间花在历史和社会研究上. 阅读更多.

A Message from the MHS President, 8 June 2020

马萨诸塞州历史学会(麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society)花了一些时间来反思和审视过去一周发生的事件,尽管我们感到悲伤和愤怒. 我们对乔治·弗洛伊德被残忍杀害感到痛心,对那些走上街头抗议的人感到愤怒. 乔治·弗洛伊德是一长串遭受酷刑的有色人种中最新的一个, 强奸, and death since the beginnings of the United States of America. 阅读更多.

MHS Housing as History Program 系列  Wins 2020 AASLH Award of Excellence

MHS自豪地宣布,它是2019年秋季制作的美国州和地方历史协会(AASLH)住房历史项目系列优秀奖的获得者. The AASLH Leadership in History Awards, 现在是第75个年头, 是对保存和解释州和地方历史的成就的最负盛名的认可吗. 阅读更多

MHS Awards 63 奖学金 for the 2020-2021 Academic Year

马萨诸塞州历史学会(MHS)很高兴地宣布了2020-2021年研究人员的完整名单. 为希望使用MHS图书馆和档案馆藏的学者提供比以往更多的帮助, MHS收到了200多份申请,最终发放了63份个人补助金. Since the start of the fellowship program in the 1984-1985 academic year, the MHS has awarded more than 900 fellowships. 这些研究项目已出版470多种出版物,其中包括160多本书. 阅读更多.